For 2024, the federal income thresholds, the personal amounts and the Canada employment amount have been changed based on changes in the consumer price index.
The federal indexing factor for January 1, 2024 is 4.7%. The tax credits corresponding to the claim codes in the tables have been indexed accordingly. Employees will automatically receive the indexing increase, whether or not they file Form TD1, 2024 Personal Tax Credits Return.
Annual taxable income ($) from | Annual taxable income ($) to | Federal tax rate, R | Constant ($), K |
0.00 | 55,867.00 | 0.1500 | 0 |
55,867.01 | 111,733.00 | 0.2050 | 3,073 |
111,733.01 | 173,205.00 | 0.2600 | 9,218 |
173,205.01 | 246,752.00 | 0.2900 | 14,414 |
246,752.01 | and over | 0.3300 | 24,284 |
The non-refundable tax credit for CEA is built into the federal payroll deductions tables. The federal CEA is the lesser of:
$1,433 and
the individual’s employment income for the year
The maximum annual non-refundable tax credit is $214.95.
Pension income is not eligible for this credit. If you are paying pension income, use the PDOC to calculate the tax deduction.
Maximum basic personal amount ($) | Minimum basic personal amount ($) |
15,705 | 14,156 |
For 2024, the provincial income thresholds, the personal amounts, and the tax reduction amounts have been indexed. They have been changed based on changes in the consumer price index.
The indexing factor for January 1, 2024, is 4.5%. The tax credits corresponding to the claim codes in the tables have been indexed accordingly. Employees will automatically receive the indexing increase, whether or not they file Form TD1ON, 2024 Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return.
Annual taxable income ($) from | Annual taxable income ($) to | Provincial tax rate, V | Constant ($), KP |
0.00 | 51,446.00 | 0.0505 | 0 |
51,446.01 | 102,894.00 | 0.0915 | 2,109 |
102,894.01 | 150,000.00 | 0.1116 | 4,177 |
150,000.01 | 220,000.00 | 0.1216 | 5,677 |
220,000.01 | and over | 0.1316 | 7,877 |
Basic personal amount ($) | Maximum spouse or common-law partner amount ($) | Maximum amount for an eligible dependant ($) |
12,399 | 11,581 | 11,581 |
CPP | Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE) | Basic Exemption | Year’s Maximum Contributory Earnings (YMCE) | Employee and Employer Contribution Rate | Maximum Employee and Employer Contribution |
CPP base contribution | 68,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 65,000.00 | 0.0495 | 3,217.50 |
First additional CPP contribution | 68,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 65,000.00 | 0.0100 | 650.00 |
CPP contribution Footnote 1 | 68,500.00 | 3,500.00 | 65,000.00 | 0.0595 | 3,867.50 |
For 2024, the provincial income thresholds, the personal amounts, and the tax reduction amounts have been indexed. They have been changed based on changes in the consumer price index.
Year’s Maximum
Pensionable Earnings (YMPE) | Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YAMPE) | Pensionable earnings subject to Second Additional Contribution | Second Additional Employee and Employer Contribution Rate | Maximum Second Additional Employee and Employer Contribution | |
Second additional CPP contribution | 68,500.00 | 73,200.00 | 4,700.00 | 0.0400 | 188.00 |
You stop deducting CPP and CPP2 (if applicable) when the employee reaches their maximum annual contribution for the year. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Canada Pension Plan contributions” in Guide T4001 Employers’ Guide – Payroll Deductions and Remittances.
Note: As an employer, you must remit the employer’s and employee’s share of CPP and CPP2 contributions.
EI | Maximum Annual Insurable Earnings | Employee Contribution Rate | Employer Contribution Rate | Maximum Annual Employee Premium | Maximum Annual Employer Premium |
Canada except QC | 63,200.00 | 0.0166 | 0.02324 | 1,049.12 | 1,468.77 |
Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Claim code |
No claim amount | No claim amount | 0 |
0.00 | 15,705.00 | 1 |
15,705.01 | 18,410.00 | 2 |
18,410.01 | 21,115.00 | 3 |
21,115.01 | 23,820.00 | 4 |
23,820.01 | 26,525.00 | 5 |
26,525.01 | 29,230.00 | 6 |
29,230.01 | 31,935.00 | 7 |
31,935.01 | 34,640.00 | 8 |
34,640.01 | 37,345.00 | 9 |
37,345.01 | 40,050.00 | 10 |
Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Claim code |
No claim amount | No claim amount | 0 |
0.00 | 12,399.00 | 1 |
12,399.01 | 15,070.00 | 2 |
15,070.01 | 17,741.00 | 3 |
17,741.01 | 20,412.00 | 4 |
20,412.01 | 23,083.00 | 5 |
23,083.01 | 25,754.00 | 6 |
25,754.01 | 28,425.00 | 7 |
28,425.01 | 31,096.00 | 8 |
31,096.01 | 33,767.00 | 9 |
33,767.01 | 36,438.00 | 10 |
Suite 400 - 2 County Court Blvd, Brampton. ON L6W 3W8
44 J - 4000 Steeles Avenue West, Woodbridge, ON L4L 4V9